Some new stuff I've discovered that'll tide me over until I gotta update and run through my playlists again...
Simply a cool track to hear. Two out of the three people I'd switch lives with are on here: JT and Pharrell, with Derek Jeter being the third. I think anything Pharrell does is fantastic, even some of the weird, alienating N*E*R*D tracks have redeemable qualities. It's remarkable how creative he still is, and how he refuses to become irrelevant. Game? Eh, neither here nor there with him. Dude's got talent but I can't move past that butterfly tatt and I'm not down with drama involved in music. . . I can't help but think, "You're rich, bro. Calm down and enjoy winning the lottery."
I have no idea why the III album art is linked to this song, which is on Led Zeppelin II. Regardless of what comes up...this song should be on everyone's "I'm A Badass" playlist. Everyone playing wails in their own way, and with the repetitive riff that, in my mind, is one of their greatest, I'm surprised nobody has Michael Bay'd the track and made a hip-hop beat with it. Relentlessly cool.
Also, got some cool articles that kinda clash together and send a spark out.
This website here is based outta the CHI and it's one of those "Dammit what a cool idea" ideas that you wish you thought of first...but didn't, and you're ok with it because now you've found it... because you've came on here. Enjoy
Does it make you 'indie'? Does it make you proud...? @Dothisfirst